My Programs
My goal is to equip your teams with the skills and capabilities to develop your own internal innovation tools and practices, and coach them to spearhead an ongoing, user-centered innovation practice.
All my programs are tailor-made for your specific innovation needs, and are focused on delivering learning experiences that strengthen your teams abilities to develop novel business solutions for your particular business case.
Innovation Leadership Training
In this program you will learn about ambidextrous organization and how to balance exploration with exploitation in order to deliver novel products and services. I will help you develop leadership skills necessary for promoting innovation culture, leading innovation teams and balancing your innovation portfolio. We will delve into the reasons why the structured corporate environment, on one hand, and the dynamic and innovative entrepreneurial culture, on the other, necessitate not only distinct mindsets but also distinct management approaches.
Innovation Sprint
This is a highly immersive and intense program aimed at equipping you with the necessary innovation skills and tools for resolving intricate problems and creating groundbreaking solutions. Throughout the program, you will acquire the proficiency to effectively combine data with consumer empathy in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges at hand.
Additionally, you will become well-versed in ideation techniques and rapid prototyping methodologies, enabling you to bring initial product concepts to life with speed and agility. Through interactions with actual users, you will refine your ideas and master the art of incorporating user feedback into future iterations. Working in small teams under the guidance of expert facilitators, you will receive personalized, real-time feedback that will ensure optimal learning outcomes.
Innovation Deep Dive
This hands-on multi-session program will allow you to develop your skills in all key areas of the innovation process and learn advanced tools that will help you advance your projects. We will cover topics including cognitive biases in user research and how we develop deep user insights with abductive reasoning. We will explore how constraints can help us get novel ideas and how analogous inspiration can help us design better solutions. Finally, we will learn how to design quick experiments to test key assumptions in projects you are working on. Each session consists of lectures with examples, demonstration of the tools and opportunity for you to practice and develop critical innovation abilities. You will also be supported through weekly coaching sessions to apply newly learned skills to the projects you are working on.
Mindsets and Skills Training
This series focuses on individual skills and mindsets that support each of the phases in the innovation process. You can engage in individual session or mix-and-match according to the needs of your organization. All sessions are highly experiential and will equip participants with the skills needed to advance their project.
Energy competence for productivity & innovation
Boost your team collaboration on innovation projects
Remote collaboration with Miro and Mural
Empathy and User Research
Problem finding & framing
Idea generation & selection
Analogous inspiration
Prototyping early ideas and seek feedback
Designing experiments and testing with users
Storytelling and creative project presentations
Innovation portfolio assessment & feedback techniques
Design led Facilitation
Corporate Events
Whether you are organizing a project kick-off, strategic leadership session or company wide offsite, I have the right tools for you. I can custom design and facilitate immersive corporate events that support trust building, psychological safety and drive high levels of engagement. I leverage improvisation techniques to help cross-functional teams connect deeply and get on the same page. I help them generate ideas and get to "aha moments" that will carry well beyond the event. When facilitating strategic leadership events I design experiences that help teams achieve greater collaboration skills, build team cohesion and align on common objectives and priorities.
Empathy & Testing with Users
Innovation starts with deep curiosity for the people you are designing for. We help you meet them where they live, work and play, and we teach you how to engage with them to hear emotionally rich human stories, either as part of initial empathy work or as part of testing your early concepts. We help you make sense and synthesize the ethnographic data and reach a nuanced understanding of who your users are, what they care about, and what frustrates them so that you can design your way forward.
Learning by Doing Projects
Learning and doing go hand in hand. If your team is working on an innovation project and you want to make sure they also systematically learn new innovation skills along the way, we can combine working on a real project with booster innovation sessions to help your team advance the project while also deepening their innovation capabilities. We offer a combination of engaging learning sessions combined with project work while continuously supporting your team through coaching and reflection sessions.
Individual & Team Coaching
When it comes to innovation and innovation leadership there are a lot of new situations that require thoughtfulness. We provide a safe 1:1 space where you can deepen your innovation practice, experiment with innovation tools, try new behaviors and leadership strategies that will help you do better innovation work and lead your team effectively.