About Me

I’m an innovation researcher, educator and facilitator working with senior teams from high-growth companies, established corporations, NGOs and government institutions.

I design tailor-made programs and transformative learning experiences that lead to increased creative confidence and strengthened innovation abilities across your organization.

My approach is engaging and experiential, combining short lectures and custom-designed tools with demonstrations and practical interventions. 

I will inspire your innovation teams to adopt specific behaviors and mindsets to foster a continuous, sustainable innovation practice. 

In my programs I focus on user-centered innovation methods: problem finding that is rooted in empathy, qualitative research with your users, and concept development techniques like brainstorming, prototyping and user-testing.

I will help you build internal capabilities for innovation and empower your leaders to spearhead a continuous, user-centered innovation effort in your organization.

Executive Education

I work at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University (aka the d.school), where I teach Executive Education programs and graduate classes including Creative Cultures in Organizations and Organizational Psychology of Design Thinking. I also teach at the University of Ljubljana, Trinity College in Boston and at the Kyoto Institute of Technology.

For the last 12 years I have been developing pedagogy at Stanford University for teaching innovation process and nurturing creative mindsets to management and senior leaders. Our programs aim to inspire and drive organizational change that is focused on the consumer, help leaders understand the delicate balance between exploration and exploitation, and empower them to start the innovation transformation journey in their companies.

Creativity in Research

I am also a founding member of Research as Design team at Stanford University, which developed the curriculum for applying design thinking to scientific and scholarly research. I have been working with leading scientists from various fields of academia and mapped their creative process behind breakthrough innovative scientific research.

With my team we translated the findings into learning experiences for PhD students, post docs and young scientists. Our work has been published as a book titled Creativity in Research published by Cambridge University Press.

More about the book and our programs at: www.creativityinresearch.org

I serve on the Advisory Board of The Stanford Catalyst for Collaborative Solutions, which is a new Stanford initiative with a bold mission to create an open space to explore uncommon interdisciplinary solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.


I am mom to two teenagers, practice yoga and enjoy long walks with our two rescue dogs.

Occasionally, I also write on Twitter and LinkedIn.